Few symbols better bring to life ancient Egypt than tombs, mummies and Pharaohs. The Pharaohs believed they were descended from the gods and were most anxious to build lasting memories of themselves. From the moment they became Pharaoh, the planning and construction of their burial tombs began. The tombs and temples were built to impress their subjects and preserve their reputation for all eternity. And that is why many of these wonders of the ancient world are still here today. The Egyptians built for eternity.
An entire collection of highly skilled artisans and craftsmen were selected for this type of work. Those working on the Pharaoh’s tombs in the valley of the Kings lived in the nearby village of Deir e-Medina. When new construction began the architect was selected to supervise the craftsman who consisted of stone carvers, plasterers, sculptors, draftsmen and the artists who decorated the surface. The stone carvers and artists are still regarded today as some of the best the world has seen. As the Egyptians believed in an afterlife many of the exquisitely decorated chambers reflected scenes evoking the ritual journey of the soul to the underworld, pictures of the gods and the heavens.
This preoccupation with the afterlife is also demonstrated in their complex funnery cult which included a ritual which lasted 70 days and the meticulous process of mummification. The preparation of the body, the wrapping of the mummy and it’s placement into a finely detailed painted coffin were part of their need to supply the person with all that they would need before being launched into eternity.
Now you can commemorate this ancient civilization with miniatures depicting these very tasks that distinguished the Egyptian world from all others. They too, are exquisitely painted by artisans to make the Pharaoh, stone carvers and artisans come alive for you at the site of their tombs.